There are many businesses using WordPress for web development including major corporate brands. There are many features built-in on WordPress which help even the not so savvy developers to create user-friendly and search engine optimized websites for their business purposes.
WordPress makes it possible by offering features plugins and themes, which consist of all the functional and design-related aspects for various types of websites. In this article, we will discuss a few good plugins to help in effective web development by assisting social media sites and for SEO effect.
A foreword
One should remember that speed is one of the primary SEO factors, and you should keep a keen eye on this factor while creating a site. A faster site will also offer a better user experience and make people spend more time on your pages, which will in turn add-on to your SEO value.
It is a fact that too many plug-ins can go slower down your website, which may adversely affect the site’s search engine performance. A delay of even 0.1 seconds may reduce your conversions up to 10%. Even though it is not the plug-ins which slow down your website to the most, you should remember it as one useful tip to use WordPress plugins to a minimum.
Top plug-ins for social media
Social media will help spread a word about your website and blog posts. The ideal social media plugins will help you to do social sharing and page integrations.
1. JetPack Publicize
It is ideal to use some automated plugins to publish blog posts on all your social media platforms. Many say that this has to be done by personalizing the message based on the needs and specifications of each platform. This still stands as an argument; however, it is proven that repeated sharing of worthy content on social media can surely increase the engagement. You can use JetPack to enjoy the best of all worlds by instantly posting on to different social profiles as soon as it gets published.
2. Revive Old Post
Previously it was named as Tweet Old Post, which helps the users to tweet blog posts at the set intervals of time automatically. There is also an option to add hashtags by attaching leading text to it. The option to customize is the major advantage of this app as projected by SEO company experts, and anyone can easily do this. If you have many blog posts in the archives, which you want to tweet to the followers, Review Old Post is the best solution.
3. GetSiteControl
Every business website is aimed at converting the visitors into the sales funnel, but not everyone succeeds in it. This is the reason why you should at least strive to get this conversion done through social media by building a close relationship with the social media followers. GetSiteControl will efficiently help you in by showing a floating bar which tempts the visitors to subscribe to the social profiles.
4. Social Warfare
Social Warfare is now counted as the forefront of all social sharing plugins by the experts now. Apart from the Twitter ReTweet counts, it also supports Pinterest images, Facebook and all.
5. Top SEO Plugins
As you know, SEO is a never-ending war, so one should use the most trusted and sustainable WordPress plugins to fight in it and win. Here are the top ones.
6. Yoast SEO
Yoast distinguished between SEO plug-ins and turned up as a clear winner by restructuring itself consistently with top functionality. Many of the WordPress sites previous used a plugin for the XML sitemaps, but Yoast SEO has it as default. There is a free version which is sufficient for a general website, and the premium version can add a lot to it by providing features like redirection.
7. Cloudflare
We mentioned above that speed is a vital SEO component, so the most used Content Delivery Network (CDN) service of Cloudflare is the apt solution. This is very easy to set up, and also it is a one-time installation, and then you can simply forget about it to enjoy benefits of faster website performance forever. This is one is suggested as one of the top 5 generic SEO plug-ins to be used by all.
8. SEO Optimized Images
If you have a site rich in image content, then this website will be of help. SEO Optimized Images help inserts SEO-friendly title and alt text to all your images and optimizes them for search engines. Post category, image name, post title, etc. are added automatically, and the best part is that it will not change the database, so even if you delete this plugin later, your old image attributes will remain intact. It is another no-brainer plugin to help with visual SEO.
All the plug-ins are tested and proven by experts to add value to business websites and ensure a better performance consistently.